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What is a Social Enterprise?

Up and Running

InStove contributes both the technology for efficient stoves, and the means to create sustainable jobs. Here in the U.S. it is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit, but because of its dedication to sustainability, it is now working with local communities to form separate stove manufacturing factories in their countries. Maryland was the first U.S.

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A Good Answer in a Business Plan Contest

Up and Running

All three of the others were strong business plans, with good product-market possibilities, strong technologies, and strong management. I already said I was the judge in the story above, and the business was Green Valley Solar , which ended up in third place, and impressed the heck out of the five of us tasked with judging that track.

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The National Science Foundation Innovation Corps – What America Does Best

Steve Blank

19 of the 21 teams are moving forward in commercializing their technology. He sits on the House committee that oversees the NSF - the Science, Space and Technology committee (a place where his engineering degree and PhD comes in handy.) If you like science, technology or entrepreneurship, this guy is the real deal. He gets it.

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