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LinkedIn Video Ads: Relevance, Specs, and Use Cases


LinkedIn video ads: tech specs, targeting, metrics, and cost. Nielsen data on a B2C campaign found that native ads are more effective in driving “brand consideration”: ( Image source ). The inability to retarget video viewers doesn’t preclude lead generation. LinkedIn video ad metrics. LinkedIn video ad costs.

Video 129
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A Quick Primer on B2B Conversion Optimization


Some of the same underlying principles apply, but because of the inherent differences in buying decisions and sales cycles, pulling B2C optimization practices straight from the book might be a bad idea. Think about it this way: in B2B, sometimes optimizing means aiming for less leads. What Are Your Goals, and What Are Your Metrics?

B2B 48

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Beyond Lead Gen: How To Optimize B2B Sales Enablement


Technology is changing the way sales is conducted. And as I mentioned, technology is making sales generally more sophisticated. Look at some typical B2B marketing KPIs: Number of leads generated. Cost per lead. Lead quality (Marketing Qualified Lead, Sales qualified lead). Image Source.

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How to Establish an Agency Content Strategy When Outbound Stops Working


This prototype may simply include the technology or infrastructure at the core of their product, so they need help developing an app that provides an experience on top of that technology. This includes other non-competing agencies, as well as software and technology vendors. If you’re reading this, that person is probably you.

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VCs eating our own dog food: Using technology and analytics to make better investments

David Teten

When I met my now-wife, I realized that any technology that can find me a spouse is a killer app. I’d argue that the same type of technologies that have revolutionized dating can revolutionize our industry. . I walk through below how progressive investors are using technology and analytics throughout all of their operations.

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Startup Killer: the Cost of Customer Acquisition | For Entrepreneurs

Business model viability, in the majority of startups, will come down to balancing two variables: Cost to Acquire Customers (CAC) The ability to monetize those customers, or LTV (which stands for Lifetime Value of a Customer) Successful web businesses have long understood these metrics as they have such an easy way to measure them.

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25 Entrepreneurs Explain How They Came Up With Their Business Names


These 6 KRIs are The CHICAGO MetricsR and are the result of an aggregation algorithm based on any number of tactical metrics. Since basis of the company was to create, track, and report out on metrics it fit with the theme and the name, hence, CHICAGO MetricsR. Thanks to EdwardMarchewka, CHICAGO MetricsR ! #3- 3- Name description.

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