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Ardent 1: Supercomputers Get Personal

Steve Blank

A Phone Call After I left MIPS Computers I was in New York tagging along with a friend (a computer architect whose products at Apple a decade later would change the shape of personal computing) who was consulting for a voice recognition startup. I’ve convinced the team you’d be perfect, come join us as the VP of Marketing.”

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Convergent Technologies: War Story 1 – Selling with Sports Scores.

Steve Blank

The Customer is a Genius Then instead of talking about our products he segued the conversation into their products. And soon the conversation were about architectural tradeoffs and then how customers didn’t appreciate the elegant designs and how the world was going to hell in a handbasket because of these commodity microprocessors.

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Women 2.0 » FounderDating: How I Found My Co-Founder

I attended engineering-focused Meetups and networking events. Just like the low conversion rate from going to bars (unless it’s for that one night interaction), this is the same for finding a co-founder. Additionally, if you want to hire more engineers, how hard will it be to find people using this language.