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Techies? Write Your Own Ticket In Southern California

Those companies ask me where those folks hang out, where to find them, where to hire them away from, and what to do to get them to join their company. For sure, Apple iOS development skills (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch applications); anything web related (particularly, User Interface/UI talents, web front end work, database backend, etc.);

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Lessons Learned: The lean startup

Startup Lessons Learned

But by taking advantage of open source, agile software, and iterative development, lean startups can operate with much less waste. I am heavily indebted to earlier theorists, and highly recommend the books Lean Thinking and Lean Software Development. The lean startup is an application of Lean Thinking. No more, no less.

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CEO Friday: Why we don’t hire.NET programmers

Update: The end is near, Expensify is hiring a.NET programmer! As you might know, we’re hiring the best programmers in the world. If you are a startup looking to hire really excellent people, take notice of.NET on a resume, and ask why it’s there. Expensify Blog. Expense Reports That Don't Suck. Sjoerd Franken.

Java 107