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Startup Tools

automatic links to generated images Rietveld - asynchronous code reviews on changesets Tech*if*er0*urs – blog on roadmap for learning rails Best free programming books Project Management Basecamp - web-based project management and collaboration tool. WebSequenceDiagrams - sketch sequence diagrams.

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How to hire a programmer to make your ideas happen

Just “sell downloadable and streamable video files.” Joachim Schipper (2010-06-19) # Good article, but if you only say "sell downloadable and streamable video files" some people will assume you are talking about porn, and not everyone will be happy to help with that. The big version is written down somewhere else.

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Startup Resources

Mobile Tools: If you are a web developer, you donâ??t SEO and Analytics Tutorials. SEO for Startups â?? SEO Digger â?? Find the top ten keywords ranking to your websites. SEO and campaign management tool. SEO Keyword Analysis Tool. HubSpot -Â online marketing and web analytics system.