9 Ways To Show Your Team You Care During The Holidays
YFS Magazine
NOVEMBER 25, 2019
The holidays are a great time to strengthen your company culture. Here are nine festive ways to reward your team's hard work and inspire for the year ahead.
YFS Magazine
NOVEMBER 25, 2019
The holidays are a great time to strengthen your company culture. Here are nine festive ways to reward your team's hard work and inspire for the year ahead.
Startup Professionals Musings
NOVEMBER 27, 2019
Millennials have come a long way in business since I started writing about them nearly ten years ago. They started out as that spoiled generation of kids, born between about 1982 and 2004, who had everything, and could care less about business. Today they are in every business, and will likely comprise 50 percent of the workforce by 2020. Their success is now vital to our success.
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NOVEMBER 26, 2019
by Uday Tank. It is the goal and dream of every business to grow and expand. But not every business is ready for expansion. Does it sound strange? Yes, not every business is ready for expansion. Now, here is a question for you. If the number of daily orders you get triples in number, can you still maintain your turnaround time easily? If the answer is an honest yes, then thumbs up to you.
VC Cafe
NOVEMBER 27, 2019
“Sometimes an organization doesn’t need a solution; it just needs clarity.” Ben Horowitz, The Hard Thing About Hard Things. We live in a time where information is everywhere, “data” is important, but “insights” are rare. How do we process and file all the information we consume from blog posts, podcasts, videos, articles, social media, etc?
Speaker: Nick Noreña, Innovation Coach and Advisor, Kromatic
Every startup and innovation project exists within an ecosystem that either helps or hurts that project. As innovation managers, we need to keep a pulse of that ecosystem and make sure we're helping those innovation projects we're managing every step of the way. In this webinar, Nick Noreña will walk through an Innovation Ecosystem Model that he and his team at Kromatic have developed to help investors, heads of product, teachers, and executives understand how they can best support innovation in
Up and Running
NOVEMBER 27, 2019
Back in 2010, American Express designated the Saturday after Thanksgiving as Small Business Saturday ® to encourage people to “Shop Small,” or to support local businesses between Black Friday and Cyber Monday. . If you’re a small business owner, you’re hoping for an increase in foot traffic to your brick and mortar stores on Small Business Saturday—you want to bring in new customers, as well as your loyal regulars.
NOVEMBER 27, 2019
The idea of exactly what your business is going to usually come first. Secondly, most often, is giving a title to your idea. What exactly is going to be the name of your business? Some people turn to their childhood for inspiration or a beloved family pet. It could be a made up word you dream of one night and feel it has the right ring to it. Even still there are some people who study foreign words for the perfect meaning behind their chosen business.
Start Up Roar brings together the best content for start up professionals from the widest variety of industry thought leaders.
David Teten
NOVEMBER 26, 2019
Instead of budget approvals, monitor key metrics and give managers more flexibility. Traditional budgets can be destructive and a huge waste of time. How should a growth company manage their budget? Does the annual budget approval process even make sense in a fast-moving firm? My friends who are executives at large, established companies complain about how their fixed budgets lead to gamesmanship.
Board Effect
NOVEMBER 25, 2019
When an executive or board director sends you a message from their personal email account, does that send up a red flag for you? How many times have you simply hit reply or reply all without giving it a second thought? Have you considered that the original email or any of the responses to it may have contained sensitive or confidential information? The topic of cybersecurity has been an important one in board circles.
Startup Professionals Musings
NOVEMBER 23, 2019
Many entrepreneurs still don’t understand that building a business culture today of doing good, like helping people (society) and planet (sustainability), is also a key to maximizing profit. Employees and customers alike are looking for meaning, not simply employment and commodity prices. Every company needs this focus to attract the best minds and loyalty in both categories.
NOVEMBER 28, 2019
by Deb Boelkes, author of “ The WOW Factor Workplace: How to Create a Best Place to Work Culture “ As the holiday season approaches, leaders are starting to look for ways to show their teams they care. Yes, that’s what bonuses are for. But cash gifts aside, there are plenty of other ways to show your employees that you appreciate their hard work, creativity, and dedication during the season of giving.
NOVEMBER 27, 2019
The massive shift in revenue models in recent years. Have you noticed how many web apps and content have turned into subscription services during the last several years? Call it the Netflix effect. Application developers once considered their products as licensed in what would closely be allied to a single sale. Until someone realized that recurring revenues were much more highly valued by the subsequent buyers of similar businesses and investors, and that loyal users would be willing to pay
Version One Ventures
NOVEMBER 26, 2019
Over the past ten years, we have invested in and worked with close to 100 startups. Along the way, we have seen teams, ideas, and practices work spectacularly well. And, we’ve seen others that didn’t work out as expected. We decided to take the experiences and insights learned over the past decade and compile them in a short handbook on best practices for startups.
Startup Professionals Musings
NOVEMBER 25, 2019
The new era of highly connected and interactive technology is changing not only how business employees interact with customers, but also how they interact with each other, and with their company. I am happy to see reports that young companies are leading the way in these trends, on both the customer and the employee side. Both are required to stay competitive.
NOVEMBER 27, 2019
by Ramish Zaidi, Managing Director of Vortex Infosolutions. The fourth revolution has already started, and it’s absolutely moving at a pace, double the speed of the last three revolutions together. While taking the 3rd revolution as a foundation, we already see numerous revolutions in the 4th one. And 2020 is just the cornerstone year we were all looking out for.
The Startup Magazine
NOVEMBER 27, 2019
Today’s small and medium-sized businesses run on efficiency just as much as they do market share, and after a half-century of technological revolution, it’s no wonder they are looking for lower-overhead options for technology infrastructure than the traditional mainframe or corporate phone suit can offer. The hardware to support those features in a building can be quite expensive, and with the advent of VOIP, broadband internet, and cloud technology , many of the old infrastructure
Feld Thoughts
NOVEMBER 29, 2019
My partner Lindel pointed me at the Lux Capital 2019 Annual Dinner Talk. I watched it the other day and thought it was one of the best examples of a VC think piece that I’ve seen in a long time. Lux ‘s premise is that technology evolves out of the infinite arms race between deception and its detection. It touches on many contemporary ideas about truth and lies and the use of data in the pursuit of outcomes based on humans’ perceptions of truth and lies.
Startup Professionals Musings
NOVEMBER 29, 2019
As a mentor to many aspiring entrepreneurs, I challenge them to think beyond what I call linear extensions to a current trend, such as another “easier-to-use” app for smartphones, a new dating site for pets, or another niche social network. In my experience, these startups usually find the field crowded with competitors , making it hard to get any attention, and most drift into obscurity.
NOVEMBER 27, 2019
Part of what makes a business successful is its ability to operate efficiently. From start to finish, a company must be able to provide high-quality products and/or services for their customers or clients. Remaining efficient, however, requires that business owners continually dissect each department or task and research effective ways to increase productivity.
The Startup Magazine
NOVEMBER 25, 2019
To succeed as an entrepreneur, you need to know what you’re doing. Having the right startup skills, expertise, and experience behind you can help you stand out from the crowd. Whether it be knowing how to problem solve, or being able to communicate effectively, here are 10 key skills you need to have as an entrepreneur. Business Knowledge. First and foremost, every entrepreneur needs to have solid business knowledge.
NOVEMBER 27, 2019
The ‘’Gig Economy’’ series sheds light on the future of work and the pros and cons of hiring freelancers and gig workers. Our guest today is Jim Barnish, Managing Partner, Morgan Hill Partners. Jim, lots of companies hire freelancers to complete short -term projects. Is this valid for Morgan Hill Partners, too? The strength of gig workers and freelancers is in bringing in the right person, at the right time to complete a specified project at hand that our team has need of
Startup Professionals Musings
NOVEMBER 24, 2019
Every culture and community puts pressure on its members to follow the norms. Even young people who start out wanting to be different are called “freaks,” and most are slowly bent back into the norm by the time they “grow up.” Maybe that’s why so many entrepreneurs struggle with building a disruptive new business, where breaks from the norm are the key to success.
NOVEMBER 27, 2019
Starting a business has become so easy that many people are taking the leap of faith to chase their passions and earn more money. That being said, however, running a successful business isn’t easy and doesn’t tend to happen overnight. This is why it is recommended that before you take the dive from the workforce to being your own boss, you start with a side business and keep your full-time job. .
The Startup Magazine
NOVEMBER 25, 2019
By 2020, more than 80 percent of businesses are expected to be on the cloud. But while uploading sensitive data onto the web might face some controversy, there’s another major cloud tool that businesses should be utilizing, if they aren’t already. Cloud-based VoIP phone systems offer a number of solutions to help businesses, and particularly those in the service industry, improve their workflow.
NOVEMBER 26, 2019
With his decade long experience, Jamie Ceglarz decided to take recruiting of top-talent to another level by starting his own venture. His focus is on ‘business’ roles where he leverages on his network to build a great client experience. We had a chance to interview Jamie and asked about his start-up, how he started his business and the future of Guild Talent.
VC Cafe
NOVEMBER 25, 2019
Oil is the ultimate benchmark for sizing the world’s leading industries. In recent years, headlines have quipped that “data is the new oil” or “information is the new oil”. In last week’s The Economist, the gist of the lead story is that entertainment – an industry that has been associated with flailing newspaper subscriptions and, relatedly, a sector struggling given the rise of technology – is in fact, the “new oil” for the contemporary epoch.
NOVEMBER 26, 2019
Ecommerce is becoming increasingly competitive. Since starting a business seems as easy as setting up a website, more and more would-be entrepreneurs are getting involved. So, in a hyper-competitive landscape, how do you stand out and take your business to the next level? It’s going to take some time, some clever investments, and, of course, all the effort you can muster.
The Startup Magazine
NOVEMBER 25, 2019
One element of branding that many businesses fail to exploit efficiently is their own backstory – if they have an ‘About Us’ or ‘Company History’ page, it either reads like a self-obsessed CV from the CEO or a timeline that’s little more than a snoresome series of incidents. Not every brand emerges from a ‘Eureka!’ moment, but by using storytelling structure to tell the tale of how it came into being, any company can create a compelling creation myth that’s as awesome and enduring as the moment
Feld Thoughts
NOVEMBER 28, 2019
Amy and I have been watching The Handmade’s Tale. Simultaneously, I’ve been listening to the book on Audible while running. Last night I said, “The Hulu adaptation of the book is really good.” And then we both grimaced, as we’ve each commented many times over the past week about how incredibly bleak the show is. A different dystopia is coming to our TVs soon.
Mike Michalowicz
NOVEMBER 27, 2019
I believe no man is an island. So I offer this tip – if you’re an entrepreneur, you need to be in a mastermind. Belonging to a mastermind group is one of the most powerful tools to help you increase profitability in your business. 1. What is a mastermind group? If you aren’t familiar, a mastermind is a group in which entrepreneurs can mentor each other and help each other grow their businesses.
NOVEMBER 25, 2019
Business owners everywhere have been bombarded with claims that they need to offer ever-more-flexible work arrangements to their workforce if they want to succeed, but this can lead to tricky legal questions that not every entrepreneur is prepared to answer. Flexible working hours generally lead to happier, more productive employees, but they can also be a legal nuisance that could cost your company dearly if you end up getting hit by a lawsuit.
The Startup Magazine
NOVEMBER 25, 2019
Today’s online retail space is a dynamic and fast-changing space that businesses can really capitalize on, but only if they have the latest tools. Online retailers are increasingly turning to subscription sales models to get a reliable strain of long-term revenue for the business. When your digitally native vertical business selects its ecommerce platform, it’s essential to get the best analytics and security: data is what enables you to plan smartly, and security is what lets you proceed safely
NOVEMBER 27, 2019
Shotgun Seltzer, Austin’s first craft spiked seltzer, announced recently that it has received a $1 million investment from Unorthodox Ventures. It is the second investment since Unorthodox Ventures moved to Austin. The firm, founded by Carey Smith, founder of Big Ass Fans, has also invested and acquired GoFish Cam. Austin-based Shotgun Seltzer launch in July […].
Duct Tape Marketing
NOVEMBER 26, 2019
How to Attract and Hire the Best Talent written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing. Marketing Podcast with Dr. Sabrina Starling. Podcast Transcript. Today on the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I chat with Dr. Sabrina Starling. She is the founder of Tap the Potential and the author of the How to Hire the Best series. Dr. Starling became a psychologist to better understand people, and she now uses those skills to help entrepreneurs and small business owners grow their business in a hea
NOVEMBER 29, 2019
You made the brave decision to leave your 9-5 and start your own business. Good for you. Many people talk about becoming an entrepreneur and starting their own business from scratch but not that many people actually follow through with their dream. Of course, it probably took you a lot of money, time and effort to get where you are today; to have an established business with a loyal customer base.
The Startup Magazine
NOVEMBER 27, 2019
If you’re an entrepreneur, the big banks are more than happy to keep your money in a small business account. But, where are they when you really need them? They say the best way to get a bank loan is to show them that you don’t really need one. This statement rings especially true if you’ve ever applied for a small business loan. Many small business owners won’t even ask the bank for help because they know it’s not worth their while.
crowdSPRING Blog
NOVEMBER 26, 2019
Ghost kitchen, virtual restaurant, cloud kitchen… Whatever you’re calling your venture, you’re a part of a new food business experiment. Ghost or cloud kitchens (also known as virtual restaurants or virtual kitchens), are an evolution of the traditional restaurant model. These spaces focus solely on food preparation (and sometimes delivery) and have no on-premises dining facilities.
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