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Data Visualization Inspiration: Analysis To Insights To Action, Faster!

Occam's Razor

You can hover over each box to get a sense of the key metrics. They also have an app for Treemaps, and it includes using color, as in the Compete case, to represent a metric (say Conversion Rate)! The green intensity drags our eyes to handful of cells we need to look first. Another excellent resource is the Google Chart Gallery.

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Great Storytelling With Data: Visualize Simply And Focus Obsessively

Occam's Razor

This is a lot less pretty, but a lot more effective… The use of colors helps drag your eye to the column that's actually important, the red is effective at giving the core message (I should have made the 21 green, dang!), Ex: Is the 2-in-1 green because it will add the most to the bottom-line? Pick a village in Iceland.

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Benchmarking Performance: Your Options, Dos, Don'ts and To-Die-Fors!

Occam's Razor

Conversion rate is one of those metrics that I strongly encourage you only create benchmarks for from your own data. One of the easiest ways to improve outcomes on your website, it is great to make sure that people don't say this via your bounce rate metric : I came, I puked, I left. None of the four other methods are advisable.

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