[Infographic] Silicon Valley Engineering Salaries In 2012
FEBRUARY 15, 2013
Check out the infographic for more:
FEBRUARY 15, 2013
Check out the infographic for more:
crowdSPRING Blog
FEBRUARY 9, 2010
Consider, for example, that Facebook recently created their own implementation of PHP that can significantly reduce costs for “Facebook scale” companies, while promising a smoother transition for those of us who choose PHP now. Unfortunately, in the world of software engineering, that’s a very real risk.
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NOVEMBER 5, 2010
My conclusion: if you’re a software engineer, with good technical background and ability, you can pretty much write your own ticket in Southern California. Show you can code in any number of popular web technologies, such as Ruby on Rails, PHP, Python, etc. Why do I say that? In particular, be sure to use the latest Web 2.0+
OCTOBER 23, 2010
Developer – Most likely your product requires some engineering. Make sure you have the right developer(s) on board in whatever capacity you need them, whether it’s a part time HTML or Wordpress developer or a full time PHP wiz. Software Engineer—PHP—Energy Software for the Smart Grid @ Agentis Energy (Elmhurst, IL) Sr.
MAY 28, 2010
10 Beginner Tips from PHP Masters Mozilla Jumps into the App Store Game. View More » Dev & Design 5 Innovative Uses of an API [Mashable. Mozilla Wants You to Build Your Own B. 10 Fresh Blogger Templates for Any Ap. View More » Apple 5 Vintage Apple Products That Time Fo. Steve Jobs Speaks Candidly About the.
OCTOBER 23, 2010
We’re contact@socialmatchbox.com and we will be happy to get you in touch with the right recruiter or user group to talk to for networking purposes. client / Washington, DC ($500 Referral Reward) Developer/Partner / Rocket Whale, Inc. Ycombinator © 2010 Social Matchbox, - WordPress Themes by DBT.
FEBRUARY 1, 2010
Experience Five years experience directing IT; a further five years software engineering management or operations management experience ; and two years experience in a start-up or highly entrepreneurial environment. Choose platform and architecture for prototypes and V1 projects, and provide cost-effective 80/20 solutions.
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